
Showing posts from May, 2020


as is - a filterless portrait...

selfstare with interlude and following end chapters.

He drifted - unthinking - through the big system.

He weighed little if nothing, in the reality of things.

He was tired and couldn't think straight.

It was like he was at the bottom of the ocean - sometimes.

He broke through the wall, he staggered across the room, he lay down on a bed of dead flowers and closed his eyes...

A knife blade to the cheek. He was ecstatic in stainless steel and grazes. Touch me two times, touch me thrice...

He was confused by his plastic eye, by his crystal blue stature. He saw, but didn't see. Things mattered, then didn't.

He spoke in rhythms, through a gentle plastic tongue. His stare was off-centre, his hands fidgeted. He was alone with others.

He sat in perpetual motion - through stillness. His mind, encased in plastic, saw the world as he was meant to, like a vacant blink of a neo glass eye.

dance: free book...

I am the alien engine, the space between you and me and you - the hum in the room.

I am the distraction - the tilted head, the level eye before blinking. I am the lips that stay shut, the pulse that bears down...